January 8, 2009

a scarf in hell

someone wore
a scarf in texas,
of all places,
and thought that just because
a vilolin and a cello
were in a song
that it was classical -
despite the obvious
folk vocals
and two banjos.
i learned this
in the dark, in front of headlights,
dancing in flames
the first circle
preparing for more

January 6, 2009

kind of pointless

having a stuffed nose
and 80's pop forced on me
is a bit like having
a midget kick me in the nuts
and then point his laughing
stubby arms at me on the ground,
rolling in the pain
that already existed in my head;
i feel like reading sylvia plath
or listening to fiona apple
on a merry-go-round
looking for the damned children
and damned parents
who believe the damned angels
are more than a thought
riding snugly in the red convertible
just side to the unicorn.
it's a good wish to have,
but not much exists outside
of this.

January 1, 2009

8:29 pm 12/31/08

a dog was eating out
of the garbage
down garfield alley:
glancing down underneath wacker
candles from some river restaurant
flickered on the river
from across the way.
the flames were loud
and cried with
the rolling waves
passing through it,
still there
and bouncing
next to a $20 tip
about to be blown
from underneath.
eat dog, eat
river wealth
and cry fat pigeon
underneath taxi wheel
too heavy to fly.
should have learned
from poverty about gluttony.