September 19, 2008

my wife, the form beyond form

the other night,
the other half of my bed
was vacant -
stirring in the air,
like a hot kitchen
with a canister of gasoline
spilling just passed the fire,
were the (undefined,) sculptures
wanting a meaning of the esoteric;
my absent half danced in the snow
f m ~
giving me everything i needed,
without (just a) an unconscious hand
she grazed at the edge
of the firmament
like a mist (light touch; grace and mercy.)
spraying a dieing child in the sun.

-giving pause 'til nothing is left-

i turn a few points
dusting up cat hair and a figure
on my head
still undefined and blowing
clouds--------------------puffing out
the space (here,)
in between
as, still dancing, miracle
captures my translation of
a simple harmony:
two opposing notes struck
by one composer,
one hand,
one love.

blue turn to shades and figures
of a sunset,
rest in (the unknown,) tranquil
intellectual (laying down as her beauty) mess.
(will comprise no match-)

when i awoke i stretched my leg aside
and still felt the space--------------between
(will amount to no true relative-)
and found a thought; (will know nothing real)
the angel in my dreams was dusted off long ago
and when i awoke, (of what it tries to steal.)
my heart palpitating fiercely,
i saw (at the end of morning tunnel vision)
her beauty
(there lay an end and a portrait.)
and realized it was much more
than a dream.

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